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Homeland and citizenship (3):

Shaikh Abdullah  Al Daihi has continued his talking about the homeland and citizenship and browsed a say of Imam Al Sadiq peace be upon him " Each country (require)s  to three, a fair governor and a skilled doctor and a devout scholar and if they excluded these, they are  barbarians and mob" and exposure to two points:

At first, Shaikh said that the conditions of citizenship are self-repair and dedication to work, and there must be self-repair first and then the sincerity, and  he divided the society into two sections, there are two, elites and the public of people. And the elites are represented in the scholars and then ascetics, and  then traders and  then the military and then  governors, the meaning of the governor is the director of the country and the judge  ,if they  were reform , the nation  will be reformed ,and  in their   incorruption a will lead to corruption of the nation. It was narrated by Imam Al Sadiq that the slip of the scholar is the slip of the world. For this was mentioned in some novels that the slip of the scholar is as the slip of a ship.

At another point, Shaikh has browsed that the managers, the doctors and teachers, how they become good citizens? In regard the managers there are three conditions for being good: to improve the management of each of them, which is the optimal use of human resources or material, no one of them has to be extravagant, non-discrimination among citizens. Where are doctors represent the respectable  and great interface, and the Prophet (PBUH):  said "Science  is two , theology and  physical science " This shows their status, and the conditions that must be met by them, as described by Shaikh are: to start in treatment breakthrough humanity, and the treatment of patients with clemency and mercy, and the doctor has to connects  the patient with Allah, "and heals me when I am sick" and compliance with the provisions of legitimacy, and that does not treat the minor without the permission of his guardian, and the teacher  will be so good in  performing  the educational message in good performance of the well, and not to forget the education and monitor the behavior  of the students, and their guidance, and to invite his students to invest time .

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