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The homeland (Country) and citizenship:

Dr. Shaikh Abdullah has touched on the subject that suggested on him by one of the brothers which is subject of the motherland (Country) and citizenship, and promised during the three coming nights to be his same subject, he reviewed at the beginning of the hadeeth of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH): "love of the homeland is from the Faith." And he divided his input on this night for four points:

First: How did the homeland been formed and why it differs?
Shaikh said that  the beginning creation is with Adam and Eve, and then reproduced and  became a family  which is  the base of the society and the society is the cell composition of the homelands, and people have started with to move in search of livelihood and security, and countries differ in climate and fertility of their lands, which lead to cause of a multiplicity of colors and languages, so the Messenger of Allah (S ) said "No grace to Arabic on Persian  ,or white on black except with piety," and Allah says "Other evidence of His existence are the creation of the heavens and the earth and the differences of languages and colors” and " people, we have created you all  male and female and  have made you nations and tribes so that you would recognize each other”.

Second : Homeland  in politico-sociologists :
The homeland and the citizen is considered social value, human differs from the mental side of the animal, he lives  a physical environment between him and the animal as drinks and eating, and social environment for  which Allah created the mind and there are also human values, religious values, economic values ​​and represented at the work and civilization building, and there are moral values ​​and the values ​​of citizenship, and they are  organic links between the groups, including psychological ,moral and family relations and the exchange of benefits.

Third: Homeland at the politicians:
It must be for the one who is a citizen that the conditions are identical to him  and they are four as stated by Shaikh (born in the soil of the homeland - to be language  knowledgeable –to be take into account the system* of the country - to make advantage of the country on his own) and Shaikh displeasure of those who are given citizenship which will cause the breach of  the country system* or who come for seeking a personal interest, forgetting the interests of citizens and the country or naturalized to achieve political aspects.

Fourth: Homeland at Islam:
Citizenship in Islam is a principle and not a theory as stated by Shaikh, which means that it must not be overtaking, and whoever overtake it, goes beyond to the principle of Islam principles, which is an instinctive in Islam, you see the human come to his home, and he disapproved that the homeland is represented by the people that must support them, Islam has selected two things that must be available to be called the homeland, security and living  and whenever are both in the pro-people to get it ,this is not considered a homeland that fit to live, he mentioned a say to Ali (as) “the good of homelands that are bring good and happiness and the evil homelands that who are unsafe in accommodator”.

Islam (require)s citizens who obtained their rights to love their country with the evidence that brought by Shaikh of words of Imam Ali peace be upon him "There are three characteristics of man’s generosity, to cry on what excessively did in his time, preserve his brothers, and wish for  his homeland." He stressed that Islam is considered that the country has a tax which is a defense of it in the face of all the sinful aggressor is oppressive and invader.

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