شارك هذا الموضوع

Fifth night: State of Al Mahdi (may Allah hasten his reappearance)

Al Sitri has ascended the Hussaini pulpit and put away a topic around the idea of Mahdism and on some manifestations of the State of Al Mahdi hastens his reappearance, he quoted the verse (Ayah) in th theme, Allah said “we have written in the psalms which we had revealed after the Torah that the earth will be given to Our righteous servants as their inheritance”.

He said that for interpreting various opinions in the interpretation of the Psalms, but the result in all opinions, that the verse speaks of the future will be the future of the vulnerable and the righteous necessarily, indicating that the verse talked about something dangerous that it has become of interest to all the previous messages, all the books talked about the rescuer, the awaited, which refutes what Naseby says that the Mahdi does not exist originally, and this idea is the sum of natural as well - the idea Mahdism -. It must be the emergence of that day to show the religion of Allah over all religion, and the global government of the Islamic is the correct, and thus proves of authority and power of Allah.

In his other theme, Shaikh Sitri mentioned that some descriptions of the State of Al Mahdi hasten his reappearance of the Quran. State of empowerment "give them power in the land and make the pharaoh, Haman, (his Minister), and their armies to experience their victims what they feared most” or the State of retribution the oppressors. State of the divine gratitude is to Allah, "But we have decided to grant a favor to the suppressed ones by appointing them leaders and heirs of the land ,give them power in the land”. And others.

Shaikh Al Sitri has denied some saying that the imam comes to bloodshed and beheadings, said that the Imam not to resort to the sword only as a last resort in the face of the oppressors. He, Hasten his reappearance is an extension of mercy of Allah. He also denied the resurrection after a year or two the emergence of the Imam, but his state will be stay long "and enjoys the long."

In conclusion, Shaikh Jaffer said the manifestations that will occur when the reappearance of the Imam?
(1) The appearance of the procession of science and the explosion of knowledge
(2) Well-being of living and economic prosperity
(3) physical strength and mental strength

tonight never ever be free -Friday - a visit to the Imam Hussein, peace be upon him by the reader Hussain Ahmed after the end of sheikh Al Sitri

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