شارك هذا الموضوع

Third night - Quran: delusion for disbelievers

In the third night of lectures by Shaikh Jaffar Sitri talked about the blessed verse (Ayah), "we reveal the Quran which is a cure and mercy for the believers but does nothing for the unjust except to lead them to perdition”.

Shaikh Sitri said that the Quran is been described with multiple descriptions like light, cure and guidance, but on the other hand there are descriptions of the incompatibility of the Quran as a recipe of loss or blindness or delusion and via the topic raised by the Shaikh of how the Quran could be delusion, “when a chapter (of the Quran) is revealed, some people ask others,”whose faith among you people has received strength ***this revelation? “It (the revelation) certainly strengthens the faith of the believers and they consider it to be a glad news,But to those whose hearts are sick,it adds more filth to their hearts and they die as disbelievers”
Shaikh has divided who make their reading the Quran ***two parts: the unbelievers and the apostates and the hypocrites are the first section, while the other part to Muslims who understand Islam apparently those who did not enter the faith in their hearts “the Bedouin Arabs have said “We are believers” tell them, you are not believers, but you should say that you are Muslims. In fact, belief has not yet entered your hearts”.

And Sheikh told that faith is the loyalty to Ali ibn Abi Talib (AS).
Then Sheikh Jaffer has browsed novels demonstrate several of the above – second section (Muslims who give apparently) - the first of which we mention: The Messenger of Allah (s): “How much of a reader of the Quran and the Quran cursed him”.

Then Shaikh Sitri asked question: how to excuse these two sides in the Quran? Can’t be Allah that makes the Quran without side effects?! Shaikh stated that the drug has adverse effects such as it cure the sick. And also the verse “Say everyone does as he wants” guided that the Quran is the benefit of the insured and more than an abomination.

At the end Sheikh Sitri said that Allah linked between the holy month of Ramadan and the Quran and that the Almighty Subhanaho wataala wants people to be benefit ***the Quran, not fasting, because there is no Ayah that joined the month of Ramadan the Quran. "Fasting helps you to purify your heart ***dirts that prevent you ***receiving illuminating the Quran" this is the benefit of fasting, according to Sheikh Jafar.

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